About us

This website was created by Johnny Noble and his partner Lucy Butcher in Canberra, Australia.

The version you are reading is the sixth major version of this site and it was released in August 2024.

We tend to write this site in the back yard with our chickens. I came up with this idea in 2010, a story you should remind me to tell on the blog sometime.

Why isn't everything free?

Most of this site content is free. And I give as much of my time as possible to answering questions on the forum and Discord.

But you'll notice that we also sell some things.

In May 2023 I quit my job to 'be' Johnny.Decimal. This is what we both do for a living: this site pays our rent.

This allows us to spend a lot more time thinking about this and making useful stuff. Before, this site was something I spent an hour updating on the weekend. Now, you get Johnny and Lucy usually working 6 days a week.

So that's why we sell things. Thanks for supporting us: it means the world.

Technical details

The site was hand-coded using Astro and is hosted on Netlify. I recommend both.

The delightful fixed-width typeface is Berkeley Mono.

The name

My mate Alex came up with the name. Yes, it's a riff on the Dewey Decimal system.

If you buy something from me, the legal entity you're purchasing from is Coruscade Pty Ltd, a registered company in Australia.

Its ABN is 53 145 180 721 and its address is PO Box 5443, Braddon, ACT 2612.

My refund policy is documented here. You can reach support at hello@johnnydecimal.com or by phone at +61 415 658 257.

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