The problem

The Johnny.Decimal structure is two-dimensional by design -- areas and categories. This limitation is part of what makes it powerful. It's hard to get lost in a simple space.

But sometimes an extra dimension is required. Maybe you need to make more room in one part of a standard system. Or perhaps you have two or more systems and need to differentiate between them.

This page provides an overview of the three options. More detail is provided on the following pages.


The Johnny.Decimal system: is a collection of methods, tools, and behaviours as documented at

Your Johnny.Decimal system: is your implementation of this system, customised to suit whatever it is that you're organising.

Components: Johnny.Decimal systems are made up of components. The list of components is not restricted, but the following are common: the JDex, file system, notes, tasks, to-dos, reminders, email, calendar, bookmarks.

Domains: systems with one or more shared components are grouped by domain. For example, when you go to work and everything is on the company's systems, 'work' is its own domain. It is completely separate from your home system -- your 'personal' domain.

AC.ID notation: shorthand to refer to any generic Johnny.Decimal system. It stands for area, category, ID.

Multiple systems

Consider this option if: you need to differentiate between two or more Johnny.Decimal systems.


You have a system at home to manage your personal life. When you go to work, the company has its own system. So you have two separate systems and you need to differentiate between them.

Solution: add a unique identifier to the start of each system.

A line diagram. It shows two Johnny.Decimal systems with unnamed areas. The first has a new box extending from the front labelled 'home'. The second has the same labelled 'work'.
Figure 13.01A. Multiple systems, each with a unique identifier at the front.

For more information, see 13.11 Multiple systems.

Expand an area

Consider this option if: most of your life fits neatly in to a standard Johnny.Decimal system. But you have one area that doesn't. Either it has more than 10 of something, or it requires more depth than the system allows.


You're a student with more than 10 classes. Or you're a freelance designer with more than 10 clients, each with more than 10 products that you work on.

Solution: expand one of your areas to accommodate.

A line diagram. It shows a Johnny.Decimal system with areas 10-19 through 40-49. Area 30-39 is physically larger than the others and 'breaks out' of the main box, indicating that we've expanded it.
Figure 13.01B. An expanded area within a standard system.

For more information, see 13.21 Expand an area.

Extend the end

Consider this option if: almost everything in your system fits neatly in to the standard Johnny.Decimal structure. But you have an ID that needs to be repeated, or you require more than 100 IDs in a category.


You're using the standard life admin pack and you have four kids. You need a way to organise the busier IDs.

Solution: extend the end to cover each child. 11.24+JEM is the ID for Jemima's visits to the optician or dentist. Similarly, we have 11.24+BEL, 11.24+MAR, and 11.24+WEN for Belinda, Marie, and Wendy.1


In my old job, 72.02 was the task of installing cabling at a data centre. But there were 13 data centres.

Solution: extend the end to cover each data centre.

72.02+X01 was the centre with site code X01, 72.02+Y02 had site code Y02, etc. This worked because most of the other IDs in this system didn't need to occur 13 times.


My blog will have more than 100 posts over time. So each post can't be a standard ID.

Solution: use the category ID for the blog (in this case 22.00) and extend the end with each blog post number.

22.00+0001 was the first post; we're currently on 22.00+0074.2 The ID retains the blog reference, while allowing for 10,000 posts.

A line diagram. It shows a portion of a standard Johnny.Decimal system, focusing on the ID '11.24 Eyes, ears, & teeth'. At the end of that ID, and extending out of the right side of the diagram, is another box labelled '+JEM', indicating that we've extended this ID for Jemima.
Figure 13.01C. Extending an ID at the end of a system.

For more information, see 13.31 Extend the end.


  1. Don't worry about the + for now, we'll talk about it later.

  2. The blog currently uses a decimal as the final separator, not a plus. I am in the process of updating it.

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