Announcing a new Johnny.Decimal initiative: Thank God I Filed it! (on Friday).1
Okay, this one's a little tongue-in-cheek. But I think there's something to be had here.
Filing is boring
I'm constantly aware that I run this website for a thing which most people find really boring. Let's not fool ourselves: even if you're in to this sort of thing, filing things isn't 'fun'.
The result is that we don't do it. We know we should. We might even have a really neat place to file things. (You're welcome.) And still we don't!
So TGIF is a little prompt. Here's the challenge:
This Friday, make an effort to file at least one thing. Make it the thing that caused you the most problems this week.
Invest an hour
Let's say you set aside an hour to do this. This is why we picked Friday: it's a perfect 3pm-on-a-Friday sort of job. You're almost finished, your brain is fried, so why don't you do something menial that helps future you?
In an hour, aim to file four (4) things. Just four. No stress.
If you do this every week for a year, in a year you've filed 200 things. And I bet you don't routinely use 200 things! We're talking your logo, your pricing chart, your list of suppliers.
So in a year, you might not have much left to do. That'd be nice.
Noting that I am an atheist and do not believe in any of the gods, but for purposes of the initialism it would have been punitive to lower-case this instance. ↩
Happy new year quarter century.1 This doesn't happen often. I'm going to use it to re-shape some of my behaviours. As I was born in 1976, this roughly coincides with Q3 of my life. Let's shake it up a little.
Would you like to join me? Habits are better formed with friends.
Vision statement
Behaviours are driven by goals, so let's define what I'm hoping to achieve. This is the immutable part. And then we'll talk about how I'm going to do it, which might evolve over time. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
1: Check stuff less often
As in, check my mail less often. The price of that stock I own. That tech website I browse when I'm bored. Reddit. Or something related to what I'm doing: I'm reading a book and the character is on Bleeker St, NYC, and I think I wonder where that is and 35 minutes later I'm on YouTube via maps and a pizza shop and a recipe and … you know how this goes.
This is a habit that wasn't possible at the start of 21c/Q1 and is now endemic. In 2000 I had a computer in the house but its default state was powered off: when I wanted to do a thing, I turned it on and loaded that thing.2 The internet, such as it was, was dial-up; the connection took a full minute to establish. You didn't just check stuff.
Now, the device I'm writing this on has instant access to all of the information that humanity has ever generated. Let me try it now. I'm going to time how long it takes me to find some interesting fact about that pizza shop.
15 seconds. John's of Bleeker St is open today 11:30 through 22:00. So we've conditioned ourselves to think that 15 seconds is the distraction: and then, what's the harm? Of course this isn't how it works.
The solution, I believe, is to completely break this habit. It has to be: otherwise Q3 rolls around and I'm a 75-year-old dude glued to his phone? That sounds pathetic. I intend to be a 75-year-old dude glued to Schubert on vinyl.
So am I becoming a meme and quitting the internet? No: my job is on the internet. You can't quit the internet. But you can spend a lot less time there. And you can make sure that the time you spend is deliberate, and that it is serving you well. That's the vision.
2: Live more deliberately
I've alluded to this already in my stalled YouTube series Focus and Productivity.3I want to move through life more deliberately: to do one thing at a time, and to be aware of what it is.
The first corporate training course I ever took was on 'time management'. I was on a graduate program at Rank Xerox in 1996. The advice was so inane as to be absurd: if you're waiting for a large job to print, said the instructor. Don't just sit and look at your computer screen. Do something else! This is called multi-tasking.
Sounded like a great idea. Something an instructor told you to do. 29 (!) years later, I'm not so sure.
Again, technology is the enabler. In 1996 there was a hard limit on the number of things I could have done while I waited for my print job. Now the list of things is functionally infinite. Great, so I'm more productive! Well, no. Because an infinite subset of the infinite possibilities isn't productive work. It's Reddit.
I think that we need to learn to do less in order to do more. Not a new idea: in Deep Work, Cal Newport sets out four rules.4 The second: embrace boredom. Give your brain time to think, to drift, to wander in to idle spaces.
This ties in with Johnny.Decimal. I want to work by engaging with my system. Something like this:
Choose what to do. Identify the appropriate Johnny.Decimal ID.
Open that ID in my JDex and my task management system. Check in with myself. What's to do? What did I do previously? Is there a context to load? A thing to not forget?
Do the thing. And only the thing. If there is a pause, just pause.
Finish the thing. Close it down, mentally. Put it away.
This applies to life as much as it does to work. Example: yesterday, I had to drop a parcel off and shop for dinner. About to depart, I put in one of my AirPods as I was half way through a video a friend had sent me.5 Fortunately Lucy was there, otherwise I'd have cycled 3kms without the parcel, which I'd left on the table: a victim of distraction. (It would not have been the first time that this had happened.)
I don't think the solution to this is technology; it's not yet another to-do app. And I don't want my life driven by a reminder app. I want to drive it myself. The solution is to be more considered in what you do. To engage with life and not let it be the background to some YouTube video.
Exactly four years ago, after doom-scrolling Covid for all of 2020, I decided -- mostly in the moment, if memory serves -- to stop reading the news. And I did. Since then I haven't once visited the home page of a traditional news organisation, or watched any significant portion of a TV news broadcast. (I still keep up with 'tech news' because I'm a nerd and it's not really news.)
It wasn't the resolution that helped, it was having a date to anchor it to. By the end of January if you still haven't done the thing, well you're not going to start doing it in February. And four years later here we are. It worked for me. Science.
Let's leave the how for tomorrow
Would you like to join me? Let's do this together.
Your goals should be similar to mine but if they're not exactly the same that's okay. And you might not want to go as hard as I plan on doing. But I'm Johnny.Decimal: this is content. So that's also okay.
I think if we do this together, we can keep each other honest. I've created dedicated threads on Discord and the forum. Throw your hat in the ring!
And if you don't keep it up, that's okay. There's a good chance that I'll fail. This feels like it's going to be difficult.
But let's give it a crack. Think how nice it'll be in 2035: someone says, hey, you are like a really chill person, and you can say, yeah, I haven't been distracted by the internet since the start of this quarter-century.
Don't pedant me here. I don't care if the millennium started in 2001 and therefore it should be '26 not '25. 100/4 = 25. End of story. ↩
Another perfect example of distraction just occurred. I opened YouTube to grab the link to that playlist. One of the suggested videos was a repair of a vintage Omega watch, just like mine! I've been trying to find its exact model specification for ages. So I can't just ignore that link: I might never see it again. And I didn't. But now it's open in a tab, un-watched, and I'll figure out how to queue it for later viewing. ↩
Having become aware of this earlier this year, I have drastically reduced the number of podcasts that I listen to. And essentially never while outdoors. ↩
Back from holiday; minimising the office; Decimal.Business update
Hey all. I thought I'd mentioned this here but evidently not: I just got back from a 3-week holiday. My whole family visited from the UK. Mam, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and two nieces.
Ages ranged from 9 to 78. We visited Sydney, Canberra, and the Gold Coast. It was amazing, but you know that old cliché that I need a holiday to recover from my holiday? Well yeah, that's definitely true.
I threw away half the office
I got back, took the few personal items out of my bag, and put them on my desk. Pencil case with a few pencils and charging cables. Notebook. Glasses case. Battery pack. Wallet.1
Not much. I travel light. But still, I saw them there and was immediately filled with a tiny dread: that of putting them away in a messy drawer.
So what option was there other than to pull everything out of every drawer and throw half of it away? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The time felt right. End of the year: might as well start 2025 with a clean slate. I took a bunch of photos but it'd take too long to embed them here. Here's an iCloud shared library of the 'before' if you're interested. That's each drawer's contents laid out on my desk.
If you don't throw it away...
Lucy started to do the same, and while neither of us are hoarders -- those photos don't show that much stuff -- we had a startling realisation.
Which is that if you don't throw this thing away, somebody else has to. Maybe not for a while. Depends when you die. But, eventually.
So those 16 cards I was 'saving' in a little box along with my still-current bank cards. Why? My old UK drivers licence. PADI diver cards from 2003. Expired Qantas frequent flyer cards. To what end?
It's not like I considered them mementos. I didn't get them out and spread them lovingly on the table. They were just there, waiting to be thrown away. So I did, along with anything else that I don't actively use.
Tending towards minimalism
On a scale of minimalist (1) to hoarder (10) I'd put us at a 4. In counting what I put back in the drawers -- not counting, say, individual pencils -- I have 112 items.2@Skjolnir over on the Discord has 700 items in his life, total.
But I'm comfortable that everything in those drawers has a use. I questioned every item: do I actively use it? Would I pay to put it in storage?
The result feels amazing. My (physical) desktop now contains a laptop, a trackpad, a keyboard, and a mouse. Every drawer is neat and only contains what's necessary. As disposable items age out, I won't replace them. And I've got an entire drawer empty.
I definitely recommend this. There is an undeniable mental clarity that comes from having less stuff around you. Less stuff means less decisions.
And so, back to work with a clear mind. We're both 100% focused on the upcoming Decimal.Business system. Christmas means nothing to either of us so, other than allowing ourselves a watching of Die Hard with a Vengeance and a bottle of something bubbly on the 25th, we'll be working hard to get it out as soon as possible.3
For those of you who've pre-purchased, you have our deepest gratitude. We'll have it with you as soon as humanly possible.
In daily life, I don't carry a separate wallet. Apple Wallet (the software) handles my bank cards, and Apple Wallet (the magnetic one that sticks to the back of your phone) holds my drivers licence4 and a couple of business cards. But when travelling I take a couple of extra cards -- health insurance, medicare, credit card -- so these go in my tiny Bellroy wallet which typically stays in my bag. ↩
We feel like we've seen the first two movies recently enough. ↩
Which I hate having to carry around -- I don't drive, on a typical day -- but I've been burned one too many times by not having ID on me. As soon as the ACT introduces digital licences, I'll stop carrying the magnetic wallet. ↩
Theres gotta be a better way of naming Amex (and other credit card statements) than this surely? I always struggle to remember the dates, but this just feels overwhelming, I usually just go with the statement date for naming credit card statements. Amex Ending 12345 - 2024 10 10 to 2024 11 09 - Statement 2024 11 09 - Due 2024 12 05
There are many situations where I recommend starting a filename (or folder) with the date. It works really well for almost any time-based document. Amex statements fall squarely in to that bucket.
Which date?
For the record, this is the ISO 8601 date standard. Once you get in to date formatting1 you'll see that around, so it's good to know what it is.
That standard defines a bunch of formats, but the one we're interested in is the simple yyyy-mm-dd, i.e. 2024-11-21. It's the only sensible format for your computer dates as it sorts chronologically. Use whatever other weird crap you want in your personal life.
The problem with this date is that it's a real pain to type out by hand. And first you have to remember the date! Bo-ring. Fortunately computers are good at a) knowing the date and b) generating text.
Introducing Raycast
You're gonna need an app. There are many that do this. The venerable TextExpander might have been the first, but we're going to use a reasonably new app: Raycast.
Raycast is a beast. It does so much. But don't let that put you off -- we can start to use it for the stuff we need, and over time you can explore the rest of its features.
It's free. There's a pro plan, but you don't need it. It's currently Mac only, but they're working on a Windows version.
So, install it. You can test it's working by pressing Option-Space. A little window should appear in the middle of your screen.
I won't go over any other Raycast features just now. The manual is here.
We're going to create a 'snippet'. How this works is that you type some sort of shortcut, and Raycast converts it to something else.
It's just like the feature on your iPhone that detects if you typed teh and corrects it to the. Or the one that corrects █uck to duck. You know.
There's a trick here, and it's in naming your snippets. You want to guarantee that whatever you type will never ever occur in normal daily typing. Because if your snippet trigger was al, every time you type that out Raycast will replace it for you.
So now instead of Johnny.Decimal you'll get Johnny.Decim2024-11-21. Not ideal.
I recommend ;;
I think this came from Merlin Mann waaaay back in the 43 folders days (2005!).2 If you start each of your snippets with two semicolons, you guarantee that you'll never trigger them by accident.
If you touch-type3 they're under your right pinkie. So you mash ;; and then the name of your snippet and boom Raycast steps in and replaces it with something else.
Let's drop a little video here in case you're wondering what I'm on about.
Raycast: Create Snippet
Cool eh! Let's set it up.
Activate Raycast with ⌥ Space. Type create snippet to find that command. Press return.
The Name helps you identify it in the future.4 Call it YYYY-MM-DD or whatever else you like.
The Snippet is what will appear when this is activated. Paste this in: {date format="yyyy-MM-dd"}. This is a little bit of code that Raycast understands. Include the curly brackets.
Scroll the window to reveal Keyword. This is what you type to activate this snippet. I'd recommend ;;date for this one.
Press ⌘ return to save it.
Try it out!
Problem: it's today's date
As Jade is renaming lots of old files, this isn't perfect. But honestly I find even having the skeleton of a date format that I can then edit is more useful than starting from nothing.
Tip: use option-arrows to move around
Another small computer power-user tip: hold option (alt on Windows) and use the left/right arrows. This jumps your cursor a word at a time, and it stops at the breaks between the numbers in the date.
This will speed up your editing.
Why stop there?
In Jade's specific case, where she wants yyyy-mm-mm Amex 12345, there's nothing stopping you creating another custom snippet for that whole piece of text.
Repeat the process but now the Snippet should read {date format="yyyy-MM-dd"} Amex 12345. Maybe give that one the keyword ;;ax1? Whatever makes sense to you.
We can do so much more with Raycast, but that's a good start. Let us know how that works for you, Jade!
In figuring out what the Decimal.Business membership should look like, one of the 'obvious' features was the private community. After all, everyone does it.
But it never sat right with me. It just feels wrong. It's not what Johnny.Decimal is; fundamentally not who I am. A week later and now I think it's really dumb. I made a bad decision, so I'm correcting it.
When you can't connect two people, you don't have 'community'
Earlier today I was chatting to someone over in private-business-world. And I wanted to connect them to someone in not-private-business world, because I thought they had a thing in common and they'd like to chat.
But when one of those people is behind a closed door, you can't do that. Discord even lets you know, by discouraging you from @mentioning someone who doesn't have access to the channel you're in. I thought this was a bug, until I realised what was going on.
At that instant I knew it had to end.
The intent
There was some logic in the original intent: which is that if you're not in business, you probably don't care about those conversations.
But this can be achieved in myriad other ways. Simplest of which is to mute those channels. So if that's you, here's how you do it.
Right-click the DECIMAL.BUSINESS folder in the left pane.
Select Mute Category > Until I turn it back on.
Select a category from the left pane.
At the top right of the right pane, click the bell.
Select Muted.
Business is still business
The other intent was to keep business stuff separate, so that it's easier to refer back to later. The channels don't need to be private to achieve this objective.
If it's not business, I'll steer it away
This is less relevant in Discord, where the chat nature of the platform really does see conversations just flowing by. I think worrying too much about which channel they're in is probably futile.
On the forum, which is more persistent, this is more important. Fortunately it's trivial to move an existing thread to another category, so if something starts in business but shouldn't really live there long-term, I'll just move it out.
Feeling robbed?
If 'the private community' was the primary reason you signed up, please accept my apologies and hit me up for a refund.
Since 'how I feel about AI', I've been using ChatGPT a whole bunch. I'm on the paid plan at US$20/month.
A few quick observations. I might say more in a later post.
I've (mostly) stopped searching the web
Unless I know exactly what I want and just need a link to it, my default search is now ChatGPT. (Which needs a better name please. The Claude people got that right. I'm gonna call it Chris.)
I'd guess 80% of what was search, is now not. This is where what I'm looking for isn't a particular page, it's an answer to a question or having something explained.
What I want in these situations is some prose that explains, like a person would if they were talking to me, the knowledge that I was seeking. This is exactly what you get from Chris.
Note: I know GPTs 'hallucinate' and tell you stuff that isn't true. I find that exceedingly rare and if you're using it as an excuse not to like these things you're doing yourself a disservice.
Another benefit -- and, as someone with a visually distinct website I realise the hypocrisy here -- is that every result looks the same. So not only have I eliminated the gamble that is clicking a link from a search engine, I've eliminated the mental overhead of visually parsing the page that opens.
Every page that Chris serves looks the same: black text on a white background. Simple numbered or bullet lists. And no images! God help me if I see another pointless Unsplash image above the fold.
So the moment the words appear, they're in my brain. This alone is transformational. (I should probably try enabling 'reader mode' on every site I visit. I know that's a thing you can do.)
On to my brilliant idea
I'm writing the first operations manual for Decimal.Business. It's the process by which you receive, store, and finally reconcile receipts for purchases.
Here's an extract. The block is part of a larger process diagram.
The trick is that link there: check your local regulations. How can I make that nice and easy for you, wherever you are?
I've sent a bunch of emails & updates the last 18 hours, so rather than writing another, I'll just paste the latest Quarterly here.
Hi everyone. This episode of The Quarterly is a touch early, for a couple of reasons.
Let's get the exciting news out of the way first: we just opened up the new Johnny.Decimal Small Business System for pre-launch.
In a nutshell, it's the 'life admin' pack, but for small business. But so much more: where life admin is a static pack -- apart from the odd update here and there -- the business system will be a living thing.
This has been something that I've wanted to do for a decade. Literally: I found the first note that I made, 25.15 Business in a box, dated 9th December 2014. It will be so much more than just the Johnny.Decimal structure and JDex: it'll be your operations manuals, your community, and whatever else you need it to be.
Me and Lucy are planning on working on this full-time for the next couple of years. I've built a mini-site for it with all the details. Check it out at
You've no idea how much we appreciate those of you who put your trust in us by giving us money before a thing even exists. It really helps our small business, and puts a bit of a rocket up us to get it finished, and make it as good as it can be.
So, as always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.
It's interesting, looking back on the last 18 months since I quit my job. You think, this small business idea: it's so obvious, why didn't we do it at the start?
I really believe that these things need to be allowed the time to evolve. And I'm so glad we did 'life admin' first, because that taught us so much.
For example: the business pack won't be a static set of folders and files. Turns out that updating a bunch of folders and files is a complex nightmare!
So this pack will be generated by a little helper app. That way you can choose your options on-the-fly. Want emoji? Tick a box. Want Bear-style JDex files or Obsidian-style? Choose that option.
For the nerds here, I'm learning Rust to do this properly. I dipped my toe in the waters of Electron and hoo boy did I not enjoy that. (Although for speed I may do a quick version using Deno, as I already know JS/TS.)
So this is step 1 towards a Johnny.Decimal app to help you manage your system. Rust + Tauri, completely cross-platform.
And this is why the business pack is taking longer: it'll just be a much bigger thing. It'll be worth it.
Reason #2 for an early newsletter: on 1st December I'll be in Sydney with my entire family, who are flying over from the UK for 3 weeks. Six of them, ranging from 9- to 78-years-old.
I'm meeting them in Sydney and we're spending a week there. Then we get the train to Canberra, where I'm really looking forward to showing my mam the beautiful gardens. Then as a peace offering to the 9- and 16-year-olds, for whom Canberra will be bo-ring, we're heading to the Gold Coast for a week.
It's been over a year since I've seen them. I can't wait.
I'll still be online, but probably just for an hour or so in the morning to keep on top of stuff.
Small apology for not really keeping up with the YouTube channel: there just isn't time. A typical video takes about 2 days of my time and then about the same for Lucy. Planning, shooting, editing, uploading. We just have to make priority calls and for now, the small business system is it.
Okay, wish me luck ferrying 6 British people around Australia! It's going to be one of those holidays where I need a holiday at the end.
Love from Canberra,
x johnny, lucy, & the chickens
This week we've been spending a lot of time thinking about some of the patterns inside category 12 Where I trade & how I get around.
'Where I trade…' includes all of the things at those premises, and the management of these things. We've split them in to 'back office' (or 'back of house' if you like) and 'front office'. In considering all of the types of things that you might have there, here's the structure we've got so far.
12.20 ■ Back office equipment & operations ⛔️
12.21 Keep the basics running
12.22 Keep us safe
12.23 Keep it nice for us
12.24 Keep the back office well equipped
12.25 Keep us fed and watered
12.26 Keep us sending & receiving
12.30 ■ Front office equipment & operations 🛎️
12.31 Keep the basics running
12.32 Keep our customers safe
12.33 Keep it nice for our customers
12.34 Keep the front office well equipped
12.35 Keep our customers fed and watered
By now you shouldn't be surprised to see patterns emerging. Patterns help your brain, and patterns are surprisingly useful when you're designing a system because they reveal potential gaps.
And you'll notice that we haven't used boring words. We started with boring words: 'office equipment' and so on. Turns out, making them less boring has a number of benefits.
They're less boring! (adj. not interesting; tedious.)
They're more memorable.
They encompass more when you express them as intent vs. content. We can't possibly know what all of you might put in here; but if we can figure out how each of you go about your day, we can hopefully provide a place for (almost) everything.
Let's put a quick example in each of these things. At JDHQ we're using a hairdressing salon as our working example because it seems to provide a nice spread of services, and conveniently Lucy had a cut & colour earlier this week so she had a good look around and asked a bunch of questions.
12.20 ■ Back office equipment & operations ⛔️
- (This is a header.)
12.21 Keep the basics running
- Electricity supply to the premises.
12.22 Keep us safe
- The office security system.
- This has an operations manual: how do you open up at the start of the day and lock up at the end?
12.23 Keep it nice for us
- Buying a comfy chair for the staff area.
12.24 Keep the back office well equipped
- From staplers to photocopiers.
12.25 Keep us fed and watered
- Getting a fruit box delivered.
12.26 Keep us sending & receiving
- Parcels and post.
12.30 ■ Front office equipment & operations 🛎️
- (This is a header.)
12.31 Keep the basics running
- You might have utility-like services that are front-of-house only. e.g. gas bottles for portable heaters at the front of a cafe.
12.32 Keep our customers safe
- Security guards.
12.33 Keep it nice for our customers
- Cleaning the toilets.
12.34 Keep the front office well equipped
- Hairdryers and straighteners.
12.35 Keep our customers fed and watered
- Buying a Nespresso machine & pods so you can give your customers a coffee while their colour sets.
- This has an operations manual: how do you refill it? How often? Who does it? Where do you keep the pods? What happens when they run out?
Each of these IDs is really broad and, again, this is by design. This system will theoretically include a place for everything: a design goal is that we don't want you to have to create your own IDs. As soon as you create your own thing you're off the standard track; that standard gives us all a common language.
So, within each of these IDs there'll be a well-defined set of subfolders. All the same: as usual, consistency rules. Here they are. (*Noting that this is all a work-in-progress.)
10 Invoices, receipts, & warranties (buying it, or supplies for it)
20 Product manuals & training (how the vendor says to use it)
30 Operations manuals (how we use it)
40 Maintenance, repair, & service (keep it in working order)
50 Vendor & supplier details (who to contact)
60 Sale, cancellation, & disposal (it went away or ended)
The (words in parens) here might or might not make it to the finished product, but they're certainly helping me with the design. See previous email re: telling a story.
So now we have a place, for, say, explaining how to reset the office power breaker:
10-19 Company administration
12 Where I trade & how I get around
12.20 ■ Back office equipment & operations ⛔️
12.21 Keep the basics running
30 Operations manuals
Electricity - how to reset the mains power.txt
And that little text file tells your staff where the breaker is and how to safely turn it back on, etc.
Designing a system that will theoretically be usable by any small business is, obviously, a challenge. I guess that's why nobody's ever done it. So I'd love to know what you think: do you read this and think, 'yeah, I could use that'...
...or do you think something different? Tell us! Now or never... ;-)